BtM 2018, Week 10

More Unix/Linux shell, and some introduction to shell scripting!


BtM 2018, Week 9

(Note: Week 7 had a double dose of lecture, while week 8 had two labs. Back to normal in week 9.)

This week’s goals:

  • What is an operating system (OS)? What is Unix/a Unix-like OS and why would we want to use it?
  • *ix history and philosophy
  • Get your own virtual Linux computer!
  • Elementary Unix/Linux command line.

Documents for this week:

BtM 2018, Week 7

A small schedule change this week!


  • Tuesday will be class as usual.
  • Thursday   we will have class, not lab, taught by me (Chris). We will proceed more deeply into plots with MATLAB: plotting rasters, images and, finally, maps, as well as outstanding small topics I haven’t mentioned. I’ll also reserve the last 30 min for question hour in which you can ask about any open issues you have with labs.
  • Next Tuesday we will have Lab 07 (taught by Andrew), which is about plotting. It will be a very guided step-by-step lab in which you apply the topics from this (last) Tuesday: creating a scientific plot, changing colors, fonts, other properties, to create a publication-ready result.
  • Next Thursday we will have Lab 08 (taught by Andrew), which will be a review lab to give you the opportunity to practice MATLAB coding going back to the very first steps (variables, operators, if-statements, loops).
    I’ll be back the week after.


The slides are here (one document for both parts).

Also a brand new repository for this week:

  1. Go to the URL
  2. Click “Fork””
  3. Open GitHub Desktop
  4. File> Clone Repository
  5. “Enterprise”… log in …. select “Class_Lab07”

BtM 2018, Week 6

Hi students! Week 6 takes us back to MATLAB coding. The big topic is: How to get data into MATLAB and write it back out.

The basic steps in many scientific data processing task are:

  1. Load data
  2. Transform, clean and/or process data
  3. Write cleaned data out to a new file

The material for this week is here”