Instructor team

Dr. Chris Waigl  is the instructor for this class. Chris holds a PhD in Geophysics (Remote Sensing) and specializes in satellite and aerial remote sensing of wildfire in Alaska and the circum-polar North. She is particularly interested in using machine learning methods to develop products for the detection and characterization of wildfires as well as modeling the distribution of fire emissions. Before earning her doctorate, she has worked in the software industry and has built software in Python, MATLAB, NCL and other languages. Email: .  Office hours: Thursdays, 2 – 3:30 pm and on appointment, Reichardt 324 or computer lab Reichardt 316.  

Andrew Johnson  is the TA for this class. Andrew is a PhD grad student in the Glaciers Group at the GI. He is studying surface melting on the Antarctic Peninsula, both quantifying snow melt through remote sensing and also  studying how snow melt impacts glacier and ice shelf dynamics.  Email: .  Office hours: Tuesdays, 10 am – noon. Reichardt 305 or computer lab Reichardt 316.